Sunday, December 6, 2009

Here Comes Santa Clause.....

Santa was at our Ward Christmas Dinner this past Friday. It was so nice that Brian had the day off and was able to go with us. Nathan played Joseph in the story of Christ's birth. Super cute! We had a great time. Here are some pictures of the kids with Santa!
Danny had no problem at all chillin' with Santa!

Kaylie on the other hand did not really want to sit on his lap at all. Brian had to take her over and put her up there so we could get a picture. But, once she realized that he was trying to give her a bag of candy, she didn't want to leave!
Maddie, or "Little Miss Social", she would have sat on his lap all night if we let her and told him all about everything! LOL.... She is just like her Mommy!!!
Nathan and Maddie both made cards for Santa and brought them to give to him. It was really cute and they thought of it all by themselves.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!

Kaylie is a Bat this year...

Nathan is a spider. I made his costume using a turtle neck shirt and I safety pinned stuffed knee highs to his side with fishing line so when he moves his arms his spider legs move, too. I also made his mask and bought some black sweats for him to wear. So fun & cute!!!

Danny is a giraffe. I didn't make his costume, I bought it at Walmart. I can't be creative all the time!! LOL...

Maddie is a witch, as you can tell. I got her costume last year after Halloween for about 2 bucks! Yeah, I'm cheap!!! LOL.... We also dressed up the dog in a lady bug costume! He is so cute!!!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Kaylie & Danny

This is such a cute picture that I had to share it! We were playing at home while Brian was at Nathan's school in uniform talking about Police work with Nathan's class. Kaylie wanted to hold her little brother and Danny was happy to be with his Sissy! So cute!!!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Some Fun Pictures...

Here are some fun pictures that I've taken over the past couple days that I thought you all would like... Enjoy!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Precious Moments with Danny...

Me and my sweet baby boy! He is getting so big! He is 6 1/2 months old already!!! Boy does time fly.

Daddy's little guy.

I love kissing my baby! When I was sick I was sooo sad that I couldn't cuddle and kiss him like I usually do. I'm happy to be healthy again and give my baby the loves he deserves!

Snuggle time with Daddy!

He is so precious!
He kept doing this funny spread eagle thing while Brian was holding him. Silly guy!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Girls Riding Day

The girls and I had a fun horsey play day today. Brian started it by lunging Daisy, then I decided that I wanted to do a little riding. So, I got out the saddle and off we went. Well, not exactly. I'm not quite comfortable taking her out of the round pen yet, since she turns into a spaz when she is out. So, we played in the round pen. Maddie and Kaylie both got turns riding and then they rode together. Kaylie LOVES riding Daisy & Duke. It is so cute! She constantly says "my turn?" when Maddie is on the horse. Here she is...
Kaylie does great when I have the saddle on Daisy, but if I try to put her on without it she gets really nervous. Kinda like Brian! LOL...

Me on my "baby girl!" I LOVE my Daisy!!!!

She is such a good girl!

Hope you all had a fun day like we have!!!!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Happy Birthday Dear Maddie... & Quail!!!

Madelynn Emma Romer is now a whopping 4 years old! When I told her yesterday that she was going to be 4 she said "why?" I replied with, "well, that's how long you have been on the Earth." She said, "that didn't take very long!" Ah, the mind of a 4 year old! Here she is getting ready to blow out her candle...

Nathan, Maddie & Kaylie waiting for mommy to take a picture so Maddie could blow out the candle... Oh, and singing!

I made her cake. I did a 2 tier cake with a princess crown across the edge of the top layer. I made stained glass candy for the "jewels" in the crown. I flavored & colored the candy with kool-aid! it was super yummy. Like jolly ranchers!!!

Here is what the top looked like....

My beautiful family watching Maddie open her presents this morning. Kaylie would always cheeze when no one else was looking, then look away when everyone was smiling! Silly girl!

And last but not least (especially when it comes to numbers!)... The baby quail. At last count we have about 75 babies. There are still more eggs pipping and hatching, so I'm sure it will eventually be more. They are Texas A & M and Jumbo Brown Coturnix quail. Aren't they cute!?!?

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Tuesday evening while I was peacefully sleeping in my bed I was awoken by a horrible sting on my arm! I knew exactly what it was and began searching through the sheets to find the culprit. When I was unsuccessful I began taking off my PJs just to make sure it wasn't on me! After again being unsuccessful to find it, I left the room to find my husband and inform him that I just got stung by a scorpion in our bed! He searched the sheets and quickly found the little bugger nicely snuggled in the fold of the sheets on my side of the bed. He then called the ER to see if I needed to come in. They said no, not unless I start loosing consciousness or having severe muscle spasms! YIKES!!! He also had to call poison control to make sure I could still BF Danny. They said yes, the venom is a protein and gets broken down in the stomach before it ever gets a chance to have any effect on his body. This is my arm about 36 hours after the sting. It got a little swollen at first, kinda like a mosquito bite, but soon you couldn't tell anything had happened. Oh, except for the fiery hot needles that were from my armpit to the tip of my thumb and index finger! You can see a little red dot in the center of the picture just below my scar.
Here is the scorpion that is held responsible for the attack! Guilty!!! No trial here!!! He/She is an Arizona Bark Scorpion and is the most poisonous scorpion in the world! Great! Why did it have to crawl in bed with me?!?! I was in "severe" pain for about 12-13 hours. After the pain finally wore off I became numb from my armpit to my finger tips! It has gradually gone away and as it does it becomes tingly like when your hand or foot falls asleep. Fun! It is still DEAD (numb) about a 4 inch diameter around the sting site. Me planning his punishment....
What shall be his punishment for viciously attacking me while I was peacefully sleeping in MY bed? Death by beak squad! That's right I fed him to the chickens!
My satisfied customers!!!
"Got any more?" "We'll come inside and search the place for you!"

Friday, September 11, 2009

Another New Adventure!!!!

That, my friends, is what 240 quail eggs look like! You heard me right, I said Quail! I have Rob Ludlow and his website to thank for this! I am addicted to all the information that is on there! One evening I came across a posting about quail. I thought, what in the world do you do with those? So I did some research. Aparently you can eat their eggs (fried or pickled) and you can eat them! After reading some mouth watering recipes for quail, I decided I wanted to give the little buggers a try. I researched on which ones would work best for me as far as ease of raising and good meat. Coturnix Quail is what I have found and that's what these eggs are going to be, if I'm lucky! I found someone on eBay that was willing to do two types for me. I wanted the jumbo brown and Texas A & M coturnix quail eggs to hatch. The A & Ms are supposed to be all white meat, which is what Brian likes. The Jumbo Browns are all dark, which I like! So, we now have close to 120 eggs of each! Why so many? Well, the person I was getting them from offered to double my order of eggs for just $10 more, so I couldn't pass it up! Most people say that $0.20 per egg is a good deal. Well, I got mine for $0.16! Hopefully it won't be a "you get what you paid for" situation... I set them yesterday, so they should be due to hatch around Sept. 25-27th. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Potty Training has begun...

Well a couple days ago. I decided to have Kaylie sit on the potty while I was getting ready after my shower. She had never gone potty on her little toilet, so I thought maybe letting her sit on there for longer would help her. Sure enough she went pee! She was so excited. The next day I decided to try to see how ready she was. She only went pee on the potty 3 times and had many accidents. Then she kept telling me that it was "too hard, mommy." So, I quit. I learned with Maddie that forcing a kid to potty train makes everyone miserable! No pressure here!! I just kept it fun. I even told her that if she went poop on the potty I would make her cookies. Well, I thought for sure that she would just stop doing it when I didn't ask her anymore. But, to our amazement she went poo in the potty 2 days later all by herself. No one asked her! Then on Sunday, Nathan woke her up and took her in the bathroom with him while he went potty. She went pee again. She ended up going 2 more times before church then pooping and peeing when we got home from church. So today we went and bought our big girl some underwear and I held up my bargain and made her some Chocolate Chip Cookies! Yummy!
Big Girl on the Potty!

Enjoying her well earned cookie!

Monday, August 31, 2009

What is that noise?????

Yesterday while I was cleaning up after dinner, I heard a loud engine that sounded like it was on our property. I was pretty confused, especially since Brian was at work. When I looked out the window I saw a huge yellow tractor on the side of our house. At first I thought "who the heck is that?" But, when I went outside I quickly realized it was our neighbor, Robert. He is a diesel mechanic and was working on this tractor to get it running again. He succeeded! So he was grating the property for us to test it out. Hey, I'll take FREE tractor work any day!!!!!!

He took Nathan for a little spin around the yard.
I was a little nervous with him that close to those huge tires without a seat belt or something holding him in, but he was fine.

You can barely see Nathan in this picture. He is on the patio of the back building. If you look at the tractor, Nathan is directly in front of it below the line of the roof of the building nextdoor. Maddie was running to go see what was going on, too. We all sat on the patio and watched Robert work.

After he was done, I had him knock over the outhouse! Yay!!!! It is gone. I think Robert had the most fun doing that than any of the rest of it. But, he was definatly having fun with his new giant toy!!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Danny & Daddy!

Here is my new favorite picture of Brian & Danny. They are so cute!!!

In Mommy's Shoes...

We went to Kohls today and I picked up a super cute pair of heels for church for $10. Kaylie claimed them when we got home and even has them on the right feet! She looked so cute that I had to take a picture!

Nathan's First day of School!

It has been a LONG time since I've updated the blog... So, here you all go...

We enrolled Nathan in the brand new charter school here in Casa Grande called Legacy Traditional. His teacher's name is Ms. Issar. Brian's only comment after we met her is that she looks young. I told him that we are just getting old!
This is Nathan in his classroom for the first time. He had a blast at his first day of all day school. I was a bit of a nut and over packed his lunch. I was worried that he would get super hungry. He ended up bringing most of it home and eating it in the car... LOL...

Monday, April 27, 2009

More Pictures of Danny....

These are just some sweet pictures I thought you all would enjoy! So, enjoy!!!!