Sunday, December 6, 2009

Here Comes Santa Clause.....

Santa was at our Ward Christmas Dinner this past Friday. It was so nice that Brian had the day off and was able to go with us. Nathan played Joseph in the story of Christ's birth. Super cute! We had a great time. Here are some pictures of the kids with Santa!
Danny had no problem at all chillin' with Santa!

Kaylie on the other hand did not really want to sit on his lap at all. Brian had to take her over and put her up there so we could get a picture. But, once she realized that he was trying to give her a bag of candy, she didn't want to leave!
Maddie, or "Little Miss Social", she would have sat on his lap all night if we let her and told him all about everything! LOL.... She is just like her Mommy!!!
Nathan and Maddie both made cards for Santa and brought them to give to him. It was really cute and they thought of it all by themselves.