Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Well, as you all know. I can't have a baby of my own without surrounding myself with other babies first. So, here is what I'm doing this time around. These little guys were born on Sunday. I hatched them from my homemade incubator from hens that I bought about 3 weeks ago now. They are Brown Leghorns and I plan to sell the babies to cover the cost of buying the mommies! HeHe...
The little guy/gal below is a Silkie. My first! I came across a teenage girl that was hatching and selling them on Craig's List to pay her parents back for her cell phone bill and couldn't help myself. I'm a sucker for kids taking responsibility for their actions and trying to make things better. I'm not quite sure what color it is going to be, but it is just the sweetest thing!!!!

Our little babies are on the counter in the kitchen right now and they want our attention all the time. Even if Kaylie is just poking at their cage they are happy and quietly peep. But as soon as you walk away they go bonkers and act as though you've abandoned them! Poor little babes! The kids are having a ton of fun with them and I figure they are the only pets we've had that are actually productive! HeHe....
BTW, no baby from me yet... I'm still VERY large with child!!!!!!

Monday, March 30, 2009


Nathan started T-Ball last week. He is having a blast and loves playing. Brian is his coach, so that makes it even more fun! The girls just think it's great to get outside and play at the "park."

Brian is a great coach and although he feels like he doesn't know what he is doing the kids are having fun and that's what's important.

It's fun watching the coaches try to keep the kids focused on the game. Sometimes they are just out in the field picking the grass. Most of the kids are finally over their fear of the ball and run to it instead of away from it.

Brian showing the kids where they are supposed to stand during the game.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Rest in Peace Froto

Unfortunately we had to put Froto to sleep this morning. He was a great cat and we will miss him terribly....
For those of you who don't know him, he was the greatest cat anyone could ever wish to have. He was wonderful with our children and anyone for that matter. He never hissed, growled or scratched anyone intentionally. I know that we will never be able to replace him in our lives. He was a very special "tubby" cat.
The worst part was having to ask Nathan to say "good bye" to "his" kitty. He was extremely sad and just kept asking if we could wait and do it tomorrow. The vet gave me a little cat angel pin to remember him by and Nathan loving wrote Froto's name on the back of the card. It breaks my heart to see him so upset. Poor kid!
As for me, I'm trying to keep it together and not cry every time I look at Little Foot. Little Foot has been very needy and looks for any type of attention he can get from anyone. He has also put on some weight, since Froto wasn't eating much at all. Apparently he was eating for the both of them.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Barefoot & Pregnant!

Well, here I am at 34 1/2 weeks along. I have 5 1/2 weeks to go and it seems like an eternity! I've finally hit that phase where you just want it to be over and done with and get back to a normal body (or at least as normal as your body is after 4 kids!). If you look closely at the picture you will notice that it is taken from a short perspective. Nathan took this with the camera my mom gave him after she bought a new one just before Christmas. He takes pictures like a mad man. It's fun to look at the world according to Nathan. He even has his own folder in my My Pictures folder on the computer.
Tonight I did what I'm sure a lot of you would call "nesting." I went bonkers and cleaned my house like crazy. I haven't been feeling great the past week, so things have spun a little out of control, as far as house work is concerned. I washed windows and mirrors, cleaned bathrooms and did the mountain of laundry that was in the kids bathroom. I'm glad I did it when I had the energy, because now I'm exhausted!
Anywho... I thought you would get a kick out of my picture of me barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen!