Monday, August 31, 2009

What is that noise?????

Yesterday while I was cleaning up after dinner, I heard a loud engine that sounded like it was on our property. I was pretty confused, especially since Brian was at work. When I looked out the window I saw a huge yellow tractor on the side of our house. At first I thought "who the heck is that?" But, when I went outside I quickly realized it was our neighbor, Robert. He is a diesel mechanic and was working on this tractor to get it running again. He succeeded! So he was grating the property for us to test it out. Hey, I'll take FREE tractor work any day!!!!!!

He took Nathan for a little spin around the yard.
I was a little nervous with him that close to those huge tires without a seat belt or something holding him in, but he was fine.

You can barely see Nathan in this picture. He is on the patio of the back building. If you look at the tractor, Nathan is directly in front of it below the line of the roof of the building nextdoor. Maddie was running to go see what was going on, too. We all sat on the patio and watched Robert work.

After he was done, I had him knock over the outhouse! Yay!!!! It is gone. I think Robert had the most fun doing that than any of the rest of it. But, he was definatly having fun with his new giant toy!!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Danny & Daddy!

Here is my new favorite picture of Brian & Danny. They are so cute!!!

In Mommy's Shoes...

We went to Kohls today and I picked up a super cute pair of heels for church for $10. Kaylie claimed them when we got home and even has them on the right feet! She looked so cute that I had to take a picture!

Nathan's First day of School!

It has been a LONG time since I've updated the blog... So, here you all go...

We enrolled Nathan in the brand new charter school here in Casa Grande called Legacy Traditional. His teacher's name is Ms. Issar. Brian's only comment after we met her is that she looks young. I told him that we are just getting old!
This is Nathan in his classroom for the first time. He had a blast at his first day of all day school. I was a bit of a nut and over packed his lunch. I was worried that he would get super hungry. He ended up bringing most of it home and eating it in the car... LOL...