Saturday, January 31, 2009


Maddie was in her room doing her Saturday chore, cleaning her room, or so I thought. I first saw Kaylie with her "pretty" new face decorations and knew there was a lot more to be found.

Here is the other half of the Dynamic Duo. Maddie informed me that Kaylie did it all. Yeah right! For one, Kaylie doesn't know how to draw circles and for two, there was marker all over the back side of Kaylie's arm. I doubt she could reach there to color it herself.

Apparently their dresser wasn't pretty enough, so Maddie decided to take it upon herself to add some artistic personality. FYI, it's definitely going to need to be repainted! Yay me!

Here is the cute little face that said it all without saying a word! Luckily it came off the kids better than it came off the dresser. Kaylie's entire bed set is also nicely decorated and I'm washing it now to see if it will come out. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A little update...

Things have settled down nicely since we came home from California for Christmas & New Year's. The kids are back on their normal schedules. And yes it has hit 80 degrees here already!

There was some potentially scary news when we returned home that my blood sugar was pretty high and I had to go back for more testing. Things have since turned out to be fine. The baby and I are both healthy and "active." We only have 10 weeks to go!

I had a bit of a rough week about 2 weeks ago when I broke my glass on my glass top stove and washed my cell phone in my pants pocket. Since then I've replaced the stove with one that I love so much more than my old one, but the cell phone still isn't the same. I'm trying to find a replacement for that without signing another 2 year contract or spending $300 for it!!!

We had a little scare last night when, for some reason we can't quite figure out, Nathan decided to poke Maddie full force in her right eye at dinner. By the time I got a good look at it around bath time it had a nice little dent, yes I said dent, the same size as Nathan's finger nail. I called the doctor first thing this morning and he squeezed her in to get a better look at it. He said it is healing well and she only has a tiny laceration that should be healed by the end of the day. As a precaution he gave us some antibiotic eye drops for her to make sure there is no worry of infection. Needless to say Maddie is ready for everyone to just leave her eye alone, poor thing!

Other than that we are doing great and as always trying to stay healthy from the bombarding colds that keep coming our way. We hope you are all doing well also!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Christmas 2008!!!

As usual we drove out to California this year for Christmas. We left on December 23rd and came home January 1st. It was a short, but very fun packed trip. We had a blast with our family!
Brian & Chrystal Christmas morning!

Nathan & Maddie Christmas morning, Nathan isn't showing the enthusiasm as he had, but that's because we made him wait until most of the presents were handed out.

Christmas morning at Grandma Karen's house. The kids were opening their stockings from Santa.

Grandpa Romer with Maddie & Kaylie. Kaylie warmed up to him very quickly.

The day after Christmas all the girls/women went to have their nails done. Maddie & Grandma Karen are showing off their pretty nails. Maddie was pretty good, but the nail lady had to do her nails twice, because Maddie smudged about 5 of them before I was done with my pedicure. She even did cute little flowers on each nail! That's patience!!!!

Grandma Karen relaxing with her "babies."
I took these pictures of the kids on Christmas Eve day. They had so much fun playing in Grandma & Grandpa's backyard. We don't have trees like this at our house!

Nor do the leaves actually fall of the trees in Arizona! Maddie had fun collecting leaves that had fallen.

I love this picture of Brian and Maddie!

This was the day after Christmas just after we got our nails done. Kaylie missed Grandma & Mommy!

I like to think she missed Mommy the most!

I like to take advantage of having people around so we can take family pictures.

The Saturday after Christmas we went up to Grass Valley where my Grandma/Grammy lives. We spent 2 days up there with her and my mom's sister's family. We had a ton of fun!

Grammy with Kaylie.

Snow!!! My cousin bought a house in Nevada City this past year and they still had snow on the ground. We took the kids up to play. They had soooo much fun.
This was Kaylie's first experience with snow. If you look close you can see the snow in her hands. She would grab hand fulls of it and just hold onto it. Her poor hands must have been very numb!

Of course, the first thing Daddy did was throw snow balls. And anything that makes it okay to throw things at someone the kids love.

I actually caught Maddie throwing one!

My cousin towed the kids around on a snow board, because they didn't have any good hills on their property. As you can tell, they loved it!

On Monday Kellie, my mom and myself took the kids to the Jelly Belly factory. It's just about 3 miles down the road from my mom and every time we drove by Nathan would beg to go.

Nathan, Abby & Maddie in front of the Jelly Belly "Herbie car!" Nathan's favorite!