Monday, April 27, 2009

More Pictures of Danny....

These are just some sweet pictures I thought you all would enjoy! So, enjoy!!!!

Kaylie's 2nd Birthday!

Kaylie turned 2 on April 18th! It's hard to believe that she is 2 already. We were blessed to have my mom here during that time. She made Kaylie's birthday cake and it was delicious!!! We didn't do a party this year, just sang happy birthday before cake with the family and let her open her presents. She had fun and so did we. We also took her shopping with Grandma Karen, which all the kids love!

Easter 2009

We had a pretty low key Easter this year with just us and the kids. We did go over for dinner at our friends house and had a nice little Easter dinner with them. Brian was still on his leave, so it was nice to spend the whole day with him. I stayed home with the baby and got ready for the kids when they came home from church so they could hunt easter eggs. They were pretty excited to see that the Easter Bunny had come while they were gone!

Grandma Romer

A little late, but better than never. Brian's mom came out to visit and help with the baby after he was born. She was a tremendous help and we are so grateful for her support! Here are some pictures of her visit with the kids.

Okay, this one isn't of her and the kids, but I had to take advantage of having a photographer to take a picture of Brian, Danny & myself!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Baby Danny

This is our long skinny baby! I did a little photo shoot with Danny and these are the two best pictures.

Danny is just such a sweet baby. He has settled into our family like he has been here the whole time. Since he is our last baby I'm trying to cherish every moment during this time, because we all know it goes by way to fast.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

On Wednesday morning at my OB appointment my doctor was kind enough to strip my membranes to try to induce labor. Well it worked. I began having contractions at about 1pm that gradually got worse and worse. At 9:30pm I decided to try to go to bed to see if these contractions were real or just the same thing I've been dealing with all along. I slept until about 1:30 am when I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep through the pain. After laying awake and enduring the pain for about an hour and a half I finally woke Brian up. We both decided that it was time to go to the hospital to see what was going on.
My wonderful friend Christy came over to stay with the kids while we went to the hospital. She was actually excited to be woken up at 3:30 in the morning and the prospect of a new baby. We left the house around 4am and got settled into triage around 4:30. Not long after getting me hooked up and checked out I was admitted to the labor and delivery room #7. My doctor came in and checked me around 8 am when I decided to get my epidural. After 4 tries they finally got the right space. A little crummy, but worth the ending result!
I began pushing around 10:30 am. I pushed through 4 contractions before my doctor showed up. The first contraction with her and our baby was crowning. The second contraction and he was out! It went a lot faster than my others have. He was beautiful and loud! He was not thrilled about the journey into this new life and wanted everyone in the room to know it.
Daniel Traceaxel Romer was born at 11:03 am. He weighed 7 lbs. 12 oz. and was 20 inches long. He is my biggest baby by 4 oz! I'm glad I didn't go to 40 weeks!!!!!
My sweet friend, Christy, went above and beyond for us. After dropping Nathan off at school she brought the girls over to meet their new brother. Kaylie was thrilled to get to kiss and love him.

Maddie fell in love with him, too. She seems to know that he was in my belly and that he is the same baby we have been talking about for the past 8 months.

Christy also took Nathan to his T-Ball game for us. After the game, Brian picked up the kids and brought them for another visit to the hospital. Nathan was very excited to meet his baby brother.
We were very blessed that Brian's mom was able to fly out on Friday to help with our kids. She has been a wonderful support for us.

This is in my recovery room. Our stay in the hospital was great!
Okay, Kellie, does this satisfy your need for more pictures?